Photo of Yegee Han

Yegee Han

Ophthalmology: Chair

Hello, my name is Yegee and I hope to earn your vote as the next Ophthalmology Society Chair. With a strong commitment to ophthalmology (in particular, cataract surgery and oculoplastics) that has deepened through my time in this society, I am eager to create more opportunities for you.

My vision for Ophthalmology:
1. Research and mentorship - connecting students with ophthalmologists and opportunities; other students with similar interests
2. Hands-on learning - through surgical ophthalmology workshops
3. Career and portfolio support - talks and workshops on securing competitive ophthalmology training posts

My previous roles which have well-prepared me to liaise with ICUnion and ensure our society and its members continue to thrive, include:
• President (24/25) and Treasurer (23/24) of IC Taekwondo
• Teaching series lead of iPRAS
• Conference chair of ICSM Haematology
• Academic officer of KUMAS

I'm excited for the opportunity to help build a strong community of aspiring ophthalmologists. Thank you for your support.