Photo of Jin Tao Zhang

Jin Tao Zhang

Vision: President

Hi, I'm Jin Tao and I am running to be ICSM Vision president! I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the committee this year as secretary, and has reinforced that I strongly believe in the work that Vision does to help support the next generation of medical students.

As secretary, I have been heavily involved in all aspects of work the society does, and I believe I have a strong understanding of what Vision stands for and its operation. Some work I have achieved in this year include:

  • Automating sending MMI feedback to students to reduce workload on the conference chair.
  • Completely redesigning the ICSM Vision website from the ground up, making it more informative, as well as quicker and more logical to navigate.
  • Working with the rest of the executive committee in creating a new annual conference.
  • Standardising the format for our meeting minutes and PowerPoint presentations for conferences to improve consistency.

If I am voted in as president, some of my plans for next year include:

  • Actively use feedback collected from this year's conferences to make our conferences even better.
  • Strengthen the partnership that we have with Imperial Outreach and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust – with my role as a student ambassador for Imperial, I have good connections with Imperial Outreach staff.
  • Look into ways to improve volunteer acquisition and retention, especially for MMA Day.

With my experience within Vision, I believe I will be successful in this role, and I hope to get your vote!