Photo of Abichana Thavaruban

Abichana Thavaruban

Vision: Deputy President

Hello, I'm Abichana, and I'll be running to be your next ICSM Vision Deputy President!

ICSM Vision plays a vital role in ensuring that all applicants have access to the resources they need to navigate the increasingly competitive medical school admissions process. From my own experience, I understand how challenging it can be without the right connections or resources. Throughout my time in medical school, I’ve been actively involved in widening participation and have seen firsthand the importance of providing equitable access to guidance and support. I’ve volunteered at Vision MMIs, and supported mock MMIs for other societies. Additionally, I led the coordination of the 2024 annual conference for In2MedSchool, another widening participation charity. These experiences have provided me with valuable insights and fresh ideas that I am eager to bring to ICSM Vision, helping to expand its initiatives even further.