Photo of Teju Raj Mohan

Teju Raj Mohan

Vision: Recruitment Officer

Hi! My name is Tejaswini, and I am standing for the role of Recruitment Officer. In the past year I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the Vision subcommittee - working with the team was a great opportunity to develop new skills. I believe that these attributes will help me to be successful in this role.

I have experience with Excel and feel comfortable in utilising it to organise volunteers in an effective manner. Plus, working as a part time tutor has given me experience in creating engaging educational content which I demonstrated when making the presentation for the Neurological station in the 2024 Junior Medic Conference. Working as a tutor also means that I have experience of training new joiners, which will be useful when I have to brief volunteers on their requirements. In sixth form, my role as a house captain required me to manage large groups and allocate jobs. This allowed me to develop skills such as time management and adaptability which I believe will help me coordinate activities smoothly.

Events similar to the ones Vision hold helped me greatly when I was an aspiring student, and seeing the committee’s efforts behind the scenes further motivated me to deliver the same high-quality conferences to inspire future medics. I love teaching so making sure that educational events are running smoothly is a job fit for my interests! I believe I will do justice to this role, and I look forward to working with the committee!