Varshini Chandrasekaran
Chemical Engineering: Vice Chair
Hello ChemEngSoc! I am Varshini Chandrasekaran, your Industrial Relations Officer, and a second-year student. If the name sounds familiar, it’s because I have been working tirelessly all year to bring you numerous career events. And now, I am running to be your Vice Chair so I can continue to help students and the society. Composed, detail-oriented and focused, I have what it takes to succeed as Vice Chair and help ChemEngSoc flourish!
As your Vice Chair, I want our External Relations team to go further than before. A vote for me is a vote for:
- Career fairs and networking events for every student – ChemEng is varied field, and I want our events to showcase the diversity of our degree.
- A stronger alumni network – Our students go on to accomplish amazing things! As your vice chair, I wish to strengthen our bonds with alumni so you can learn more about life after Imperial.
- Make tours even better – Listen, the annual ETH Zurich trip is amazing, but we can do more! I promise to work with your Tours Officer to expand our tours programme.
- Keep the subcommittee programme going strong! The ER subcommittee is how I got into ChemEngSoc. I promise to keep it growing to nurture future generations of ChemEngSoc talent.
I have really enjoyed being your IR officer this year, and I would love to lead the ER team and continue to serve our society.
Thank you for your time, and vote Varshini for Vice Chair!