Have you struggled with networking? Have you ever found yourself uncertain about how to secure publications? As Research project and AUDIT Co-ordinator, I promise to change that and help you with your future career by organizing invaluable opportunities and meetings. Through my summer work at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, I am intimately acquainted with world renowned neurosurgeons, who would be delight ...
Research is the backbone of progress in neuroscience and neurosurgery. As Research Project and Audit Coordinator, I am committed to making these opportunities more accessible, engaging, and impactful for NeuroSoc members. With experience researching the effects of hypervigilance on vestibular perception and processing, as well as leading clinical audits such as the DATES audit on TIA services and the Pharmacy First a ...
I have always taken a keen interest in neuroscience, being one of the most intricate and fascinating systems not just in medicine but in the world. I am excited to be applying for research project and audit coordinator, hoping to be able to contribute to the society and help it grow through enabling the smooth running and facilitating of research projects and conduction of audits. Thank you for reading.
Hi, I’m a second year and running for research and audit coordinator this year! I’m passionate about Neurology and would like to create more opportunities for us to be able to get involved and hands on in the field and make these more accessible and affordable. I want all of us to be able to get a taste into what research and audits entail and be able to be supported in making our own publications and ...
Hi, I'm Khushi! I'm interested in this role as my skills + experience align well with the responsibilities of this position. As Regional Lead + University Ambassador for NANSIG (Neurology & Neurosurgery Interest Group), I've honed strong organisational, teamwork & leadership abilities, managing communications, promoting events + building connections with experts. Through NANSIG’s mentorship program and ...