Women in SET: Industrial Liaison


Manha Awan

As the Industrial Liaison for Women in SET, my goal is to bridge the gap between academia and industry, creating valuable opportunities for women in Science, Engineering, and Technology. I aim to facilitate connections with leading companies, professionals, and mentors to inspire, empower, and support women in SET fields. Key priorities include: 1. **Industry Partnerships:** Build strong collaborations with compa ...

RIDHI Talwar

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Yeline Idir

Hi, I’m Yeline, a Biomedical Engineering student who’s been part of this amazing society for the past two years; initially as Robogals Liaison Officer and then as IWD Officer. During this time, I’ve gained insight into how our committee operates, met some truly inspiring people, and seen firsthand how much impact we can make when we work together. Leading the iGEM team this year has been an incredi ...