Photo of Zain Khan

Zain Khan

Physics: Careers & Sponsorship Officer

Hi everyone!

My name is Zain, and I am a First year undergraduate.

Before arriving at Imperial, I had no idea what I was going to past graduation (not an unfamiliar feeling for many of us). However during my first term I attended a Careers fair which indulged my curiosity and showed me that there were many more career paths (especially for a Physicist) than ending up as a finance bro.

I dont have to tell you that its the hardest its ever been to not only find work experience but to secure a job. Therefore while careers fairs are important, I want to focus on giving these opportunities to Physoc members. If elected my main priorities will be:

1) Outreach to prestigious companies through alumni or other routes with Imperial and maintain a close relationship through frequent updates (weekly newsletter)

2) Set up sponsorship for both academic and competitive sports events (against other Universities or societies) by working alongside the relevant Physoc officers

3) Set up exclusive work experiences (Spring onwards) and Summer internships only available to Physoc members. Thereby cutting out the conpetition and putting you first.

4) Creating a Weekly Newsletter to keep in contact with you on exciting upcoming events, guest talks and opportunities to get involved in both research and other experiences.

I hope to not only facilitate your career futures but also help fund incredible events for an unforgetable year at Imperial.