Sherry Chen
My name is Sherry and I am a first year materials undergraduate. I am standing for the position of Publicity Officer, as I believe I have the abilities to take this position and its responsibility forth and beyond. My experiences undertaking GCSE art (which I got grade 9 for) will allow me to design eye-catching/ bedazzling yet informative posters for different events. Besides the main responsibility, I will also ensure the tradition of Materials Monday MCQs is continued, while also keeping the MatSoc LinkedIn page updated with our large variety of events, and engage with potential sponsors.
Here are some ideas I am hoping to implement if I am elected:
- Initiate collaboration between MatSoc and Discover Materials. Promote and distribute our MatSoc magazines beyond Imperial.
- Create more engagement on MatSoc's social media profiles.
I will draw on my past experience managing societies in sixth form to excel in this role, bringing creativity, organisation, and dedication to everything I do. I would be honoured to have your vote and look forward to serving as your publicity officer.