Photo of Ahmed Dalmar

Ahmed Dalmar

African Caribbean: Outreach Officer

My name is Ahmed, I'm a second year Chemical Engineering student and I'm here to run as ACS Outreach Officer! I recognise the importance of programmes that support students from disadvantaged backgrounds - having been a Rare candidate in sixth form, I benefitted from their guidance during the challenging university application process. I also have first-hand experience in outreach, I gave a talk to Year 12 students at a school on my time at Imperial and why they should choose to come here.

If I am elected to this role, I am committed to organising events both on and off campus for prospective Imperial applicants across all of the degrees offered here. I also want to involve more current students in the operation of outreach events, be that in conducting mock interviews, leading campus tours or just giving general advice about the university. So, expect more chances to take part in these events!

Thank you for reading, and I hope you'll vote for me!