Photo of Lennon Hooper

Lennon Hooper

Acute Care Specialities : President

Hi everyone! My name is Lennon and I am running for Acute Care President!

Having put on our largest and most successful conference this year as conference chair, I am very excited about the opportunity to act as president; with new ideas to help grow and build this society:

1. I will institute a student led simulation teaching series. Working in collaboration with Dr Showkat, we will use Imperial simulation facilities to offer interactive cased-based acute care teaching to students, helping to develop critical thinking and patient management skills.

2. I want to increase our activity earlier in the year, building on our bloods and brownies event with a series of lectures to help first years find out more about what the acute care specialties are all about.

3. To continue improving our flagship conference next year, working with the conference chair to collaborate with external societies and improve what we have to offer even further.

Having completed most of my BSc year in Critical Care and Anaesthetics, I have been able to build connections with faculty that will make it easier to run new events and lectures. I learnt many valuable lessons from organising our conference this year that I will be able to pass on and use to our advantage.

I hope that this year I will be able to grow this society more than ever and help more students find their own interests within the acute care specialties!