Photo of Sayana Santhirasegar

Sayana Santhirasegar

Dermatology (ICSM): Chair

Hey everyone! I’m Sayana, a 4th-year medic intercalating in Immunity & Infection, with research experience in infectious and autoimmune skin disorders. I’m passionate about making dermatology more accessible, exciting, and career-focused.

As your chair, I will:

Help You Build Your Derm Portfolio – Set up ‘Getting into Dermatology’ talks, portfolio workshops, and career guidance to support students interested in the specialty.

Make Dermatology More Interdisciplinary – Team up with the Nutrition, Immunology, and other societies to explore how different fields connect to skin health.

Level Up Skin Synergy – Keep the Pan-London conference going strong, with top speakers, hands-on workshops, and more opportunities to get involved.

Share Real Placement Insights

'Choosing Your BSc' Talk for 3rd years.

Keep You in the Loop – Ensure our newsletter and social media stay updated with the latest external dermatology-related opportunities, including events, research projects, and more.

Let’s make the Derm Society bigger, better, and more useful for all of us!