Photo of Ananya Sachdev

Ananya Sachdev

Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Publicity Officer

Hi, I am Ananya and I'm running for publicity officer for ICOGS! I am deeply passionate about women's health, and am excited to foster a community of like minded individuals and encourage education and advocacy surrounding it. Disparities in provision of women's health are persistent, and as future doctors it is important to address them.

Organising and attending icogs events has been a highlight of my academic year. As publicity officer I would:

Increase social media presence with reels, more frequent posts and stories.

Expand to new social media platforms like tiktok for increased engagement.

More collaborations with other societies (paeds soc, gp society) to increase awareness about icogs and reach new student audience.

Increase engagement with community organisations, other university societies and charities to increase the reach of icogs.

Leadership positions in cultural, sports and academic societies at university have honed my leadership and team work skills. I also bring in publicity experience working with organisations and events at Imperial in marketting and publicity roles.

Being a part of icogs has been an extremely rewarding and eye opening journey of learning for me, surrounded by a community of inspiring individuals. I would love the opportunity to be a part of this society again, and not only enhance education but also inspire a real-world impact, and inspire more young future doctors.