Thilaksana Thavaranjan
Hello! I am Thilaksana Thavaranjan, a current iBSc RDS student. During the ICOGS conference, I gained more interest towards the ICOGS society influenced by the hands-on workshop. Whilst representing BSc at the science fair, I had the opportunity to meet prospective students, creating a rapport with them.
Volunteering as a mock examiner for MMIs (PotMED, ICSM Vision & NCS) and CPAs (MedEd) has enhanced my interpersonal and problem-solving skills, which will be helpful when liaising with faculty members and prospective BSc students.
Tutoring for an MMI workshop at the London-wide Paediatrics Conference and clinical skills session (Muslim Medics) has boosted my confidence in communicating with people of all levels.
- Continue with the current system of buddies, ICA tutorials, rewarding mentors with certificate and feedback, and meeting with students at the beginning of each teaching block.
- Foster a supportive community that helps students excel in their studies, reaching their full potential by arranging additional tutorials for students who may be struggling with specific subjects e.g. GraphPad.
- Set a universal deadline to submit ICA drafts to buddies, ensuring feedback is received prior to summative submission.
- Introduce roles and responsibilities of a BSc coordinator and buddy, including timeline of previous cohorts' tutorials to prospective iBSc students during Science Fair to provide ample guidance.
- Ensure SOLE surveys are completed.
I am excited for this opportunity to serve and look forward to helping the next cohort, ensuring iBSc students' needs are met through my consistent commitment to the role.