Maaira Khan
TeddyBear Hospital: Secretary
Hello! As the current Publicity Officer for TBH I've gained a great deal of insight into the logistics of running the society, communicating with other members to work well collaboratively and meeting deadlines. I've also learnt about the importance of collaborating with other societies when publicising events to widen engagement, which is something I'm very interested in bringing forward into a role as secretary.
My main goals as secretary:
- Curating the weekly newsletter including news about our most recent school visits - I would also like to collaborate with other voluntary/paeds-related societies (e.g. friends of MSF, paeds soc) and include information opportunities that these societies are offering that our volunteers may be interested it. Conversely, these other societies would publicise our events on their newsletters, increasing volunteer engagement.
- Ensuring to send out sign-up forms and follow up on volunteer drop-outs in a timely manner, and managing other admin work such as room bookings
Since joining TBH as a fresher I've learnt so many invaluable lessons from my time as a volunteer and on committee, and would love to continue contributing to the TBH community as secretary :)