Ankita Menon
Hi everyone, my name's Ankita, (the photo is me being shocked at where a kid thinks thermometers go). You may recognise me as having been on committee for the last 2 years as school liason and sponsorship officer. I have been a devoted member of teddy bear hospital- I love seeing all the children's excited faces! I wanted to run for innovation officer because I have lots of ideas for making our already amazing stations even greater!
I want to empower the subcommittee so they are able to develop new and engaging materials so they are even better tailored for the year groups we visit- perhaps even developing different versions, appropriate for the occasions we are visiting year groups we don't usually see. I want to be proactive about improving the existing stations and am excited to enthuse sub-committee members about creating new materials. I would love if we could diversify the range of creative ideas we get by getting more non-medics to feel comfortable joining the subcommittee- this is due to the fact that in recent years their numbers have been growing, and I would love to see that continue.
I will be around campus next year so I will have more time available, therefore I can dedicate substantial effort to this role. I will also be able to leverage my existing links with other societies so I can integrate different perspectives, continue existing relationships and develop new ones. I would really appreciate your vote, thank you so much!