Akilesh Rathinam
In the past 2 years of being a part of Teddy Bear Hospital, I’ve loved every second of it and would love to be the Innovation officer for next year.
Being Equipment Officer this year, I’ve already been involved in a creative role for the society, such as helping with the stickers and merchandise my partner Simran, and I made this year. This would help me in this role as an Innovation Officer needs to be able to create new ideas to improve the fantastic stations, we already have at the school visits.
I have had many ideas this year and have not had the time to progress them. For example, we’ve had a lot more non-medics join the society, and I think there is work to be done to alter the session cards to make them more accessible, so we have a more inclusive community.
Another area I think could be improved is there is not a station card for chaperones, and many have expressed confusion in what they are meant to be doing as chaperones. I think I would be able to work with next year’s subcommittee to design and create new cards for this and other potential new stations such as following some collaborations like the neurology collaboration we just had.
I think I would be a great candidate to further refine and create ideas for Teddy Bear Hospital school visits as Innovation Officer.