Anton Pustygin
Howdily-doodily! I’m Anton, your current 1st Year Representative running for re-election :)
Allow me to set the scene?
August. Results day passed – work commenced, the countdown begun. Enter a groupchat – ever-growing, never silent. Enthusiastic freshers, burning questions about university life, uncapped zeal and unlimited social battery. Questions to be answered, wisdom to be gracefully bestowed.
A well-crafted Survey to learn everyone’s hobbies. Gentle chasing for it to be filled in? The Allocation, a most delicate craft. Hobbies, societies, personal interests – weighed against each other upon the most precise scales of character compatibility. ChemFamilies coming together like an elegant tapestry worthy of the finest palace.
In comes The Day – term has begun. So intense and fast-paced, so dynamic and invigorating. A lecture hall, packed to the brim. The atmosphere of growing excitement. The bold entrance, the honour of giving the first talk. The shining faces of awe, amusement... anticipation. The presentation over, no questions left unanswered, the ritual beginning.
Element names, resonating across the lecture hall... The introductions, the scuffling into the corridor. The tour, the labcoats, the lunch, the promise to meet again. The days gone by and the ChemFamily nests left in search of new circles.
It all happens so fast…
Yet there are few moments as precious, magical and rewarding as The Day. Ephemeral though it may seem in passing, nothing compares to it in sheer excitement, thrill and delight.
So would I love to do it all over again? A million times yes.