Rebecca Comley
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as your Vice-Captain over the past year. It has been an honour to watch the development of the club since I joined, and the progression you have all made as individuals and as a team. I would love to be your captain for the upcoming year. I believe I have shown over the past 2 years my dedication to the club, so you can count on me to be there every week. I understand fully that this role is a step up from what I have done for the past year, but am excited to take on any challenges that being captain may come with. I know Bottle is a highlight of the year for us all, and I would love to recreate the team atmosphere next year. Weekends like that remind me why I love this club so much. As your captain, I hope to be a reliable, approachable figure who will help the club to grow even greater than it is now. I am always open to feedback and will plan my training around you, as I want you all to feel happy and comfortable playing a sport you love. It’s going to be a good year… I can just feel it…
RSM Netball Love π«Άπ π€