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Sageya Piratheepan

General Practice (ICSM): Education Officer

Hi everyone, my name is Sageya (3rd year medic) and I would love to be Education Officer for GP Society next year!

I’ve loved attending GP Society’s conferences and events so far! GPs are at the forefront of innovation and policy change and with rapidly evolving healthcare needs, I’ m very passionate about general practice and its role in preventative medicine and public health.

I have a strong background in medical education and outreach that I believe makes me well-suited to this role.

As a previous committee member of ICSM Vision, a society aimed at widening participation to medicine, I was involved in educational events (MMI, UCAT, BMAT days), demonstrating my ability to engage with current and aspiring medical students through teaching and engaging outreach campaigns.

I am also an experienced tutor with 7+ years of tutoring experience and a current CPA tutor so I’ve developed adaptable teaching methods to support diverse learning needs.

My goals as GP Society Education Officer would be:

  • To work with members of GP Society to expand knowledge on the various career pathways under general practice
  • To provide more social learning opportunities e.g. OSCE and PACES revision guides and sessions
  • To work with faculty to create more practice SBAs, with explained mark schemes

Vote for me if you would like to learn about GP as a career or if you would like engaging learning opportunities!

If you have any questions please email me at:!