Junta Hirayama
こんにちは!I’m Junta Hirayama, a first year geophysics student, and I’d love to run as social secretary next year for Japanese society. Throughout this year, I’ve had lovely memories with this society. Especially, I was able to meet a variety of people. Socials were definitely great opportunities for me, and it let me get many new friends. Therefore I would like to be part of the committee for this society as a social secretary, and I will put my heart and soul into the work.
There are several reasons why I’m suitable for this position. Firstly, my MBTI is ENFP!! I love to communicate with people, and I’ve made a lot of connections with Japanese society members at Imperial and other universities like UCL, LSE and KCL too. I believe my communication skills are useful when we hold socials, and the connections would help us when we have collaborative events with them.
In addition, I have some experiences in managing a social media account. When I was in high school, I was part of the social media team for the school committee, and I managed an Instagram and TikTok account. Also, I’m part of the J-hub team and I make Instagram posts to introduce London life. Hence I am used to posting social media, and I would like to keep up the amazing Instagram posts next year as well.
All in all, if I’m selected for this role, I promise to work for all of you, the members. 楽しいジャパソにしましょう!