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Tristan Dupret

Synthetic Biology: Chair

My name is Tristan, and I was the 2024-2025 Events Officer for SynBIC. In my previous role, I organised weekly seminars where researchers were invited to talk about their work, and I was also a major participant in the organisation of the 2025 iGEM team selection process. Overall, this year has been successful for our society; we have reached out and collaborated with the Oxford SynBIO society, which we hope to continue in the next year, and we also hosted the first SynBIC Data Analysis Tutorial (Network Modelling of Gene Populations).

However, we were not able to do everything we wanted this year. If I am elected, in addition to continuing the activities we previously hosted, I plan to initiate the SynBIO podcast, which would be in the form of "fire-side" talks with researchers and converse about recent advancements in the field of Synthetic Biology. I also want to re-initiate the SynBIC bio-hackathons in the Hackspace, as these were popular in the early years of SynBIC. I also want to do more collaboration events with the other bio/biochem focused societies to further publicise our events (notably: iGEM). If we have a large applicant pool, we may be able to organise a second undergrad team for the annual BIOMOD competition. And naturally, we would continuing organising Frontiers for Scientific Research Summit event in the spring term.

Thank you for reading my manifesto, and good luck to the other contestants.