Photo of Maaira Khan

Maaira Khan

Sports & Exercise Medicine: Publicity Officer

Hello! I recently found out about SEMsoc, and after looking into the amazing work you have done through this academic year, I am very eager to get involved this upcoming year.

As the current Publicity Officer for ICSM Teddy Bear Hospital, I've gained experience in regularly designing visually appealing posts to boost engagement in society events, communicating with other members to work well collaboratively and meeting deadlines. I've also learnt about the importance of collaborating with other societies when publicising events to widen engagement, which is something I'm very interested in bringing forward into this role. I strongly believe that I will be able to put these skills to good use as Publicity Officer of SEMsoc and plan to widely publicise the exciting events in store for the upcoming year, such as the annual conference.

I would love to push for more in-person publicity as well, as I believe this would help build even further engagement amongst students who may not already be aware of this society - this could involve stalls around campus with activities/quizzes to get people interested. Additionally, creating small clips to post on Instagram or Tiktok would be a great way to further boost engagement. I'd also be interested in collaborating with other societies such as Orthopaedics, or even some of the ICSM sports societies.

As a new member of the society and someone who really loves all things sports and exercise medicine related, I believe I have a lot of new ideas to offer! :)