Photo of Vanathi Pugalendhi

Vanathi Pugalendhi

Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Conference Co-Chair

Hi everyone! I’m Vanathi, and alongside Subanu, I am excited to run for your next ObGyn Co-Conference chair!

It has been an absolute delight attending the ObGyn conference both in 2023 and 2024 - they were both precious opportunities for me to understand what ObGyn entailed as a specialty and I still remember the feeling of being able to ‘assist’ with a vaginal delivery!

As the Academic Officer for Paediatrics this year, I’ve organised a variety of events from the Year 5 Lecture Series, the much-anticipated “Meet the Paediatricians” event and currently a Year 5 Mock PACES. Not only has this strengthened my ability to oversee multiple aspects of a committee, collaborating with members from the Psych, GP, and Ob-Gyn societies on academic events has also been a rewarding opportunity to work with a diverse range of individuals.

Additionally, my experience as Sponsorship Officer for Femtech Society and Marketing Officer for Doctorpreneurs has given me strong skills in managing partnerships and communication.

Subanu and I are committed to:

  • Expanding conference outreach to reach and benefit as many individuals as possible
  • Providing unique, high-quality workshops that are accessible to both lower and upper years
  • Emphasizing the importance of and showcasing cutting-edge research advancing women's health

We’re incredibly grateful for your support and look forward to working with all of you soon to organize the best conference possible :) Vote Subanu and Vanathi for ObGyn Society Conference Co-chairs!