Hephzibah Ojo
Cardiovascular: Head of Media
Hey everyone! I’m Hephzibah, a second-year med student, and I’m running for Head of Media for the Cardiovascular Society. I’m excited about using media to make cardiovascular medicine more exciting, accessible, and engaging for all of you!
- Confident in using Canva to make presentations, posters, + leaflets.
- Attention to detail
- Well-experienced in social media + using Instagram
Aims as head of media:
- Increase engagement on Social Media throguh more interactive content (polls, Q +As, BTS)📱
- Boost Participation through working closely with the committee rest of the commitee to provide tailored changes to the publicised media.
I’ll work hard to help our cardiovascular soc get the recognition it deserves, and I’d love your support in making that happen!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my manifesto.