Xerxes Perry
History: Treasurer
I thoroughly enjoyed engaging with HistorySoc over the past year, from narrowly losing the quiz to actual History students from KCL (by 1/πe points or something similar) and exploring the foundations of London in the “Mithraeum” trip. The fun I had has led to me wishing to support the club further with this treasurer position, and help organise even more fun events.
Reasons you should vote me for HistorySoc minister of coin (Treasurer):
- Cool Historical name
- Experience handling budgets as a Mech Eng y2 year representative
- Studied Greek and Latin so I can give you a butchered translation of any inscriptions that may carry across the semantics.
- I am very interested in history from all parts of the world so could bring some diversity alongside the all of the fun locally focused events
- Wouldn’t my name on the committee list be really cool?
- One of the few people followed by the society Instagram page (highest honour available)
- Sources say I am a very humble, fun, friendly and caring person
- Diogenes is my sprit animal
- Could potentially do historical reenactmants with my fencing and (allbeit minute) HEMA experience, I also have experience with sharp objects from living in south London
- Very organised and coherently structred manifesto.
- Very freeflowing and adaptable personality, as evidenced by my bullet points above.
Please vote for me I would appreciate it massively!! Sum Senatorum Populorumque Historiae!!