Photo of Ky Foo

Ky Foo

DoCSoc: Marketing & Publicity Officer

Hi, I’m Ky Foo, a first-year computing student excited to be running as your MPO for the upcoming year. I loved this year’s ICHack and freshers' merch and want to be part of the team working on next year’s. I’m a fashion enthusiast interested in designing DoCSoc merch that is stylish and functional.

If elected, I plan to create more merch with a streetwear vibe—things you can rock both in and out of DoC! (I’ve included a couple of B&W mockups of some tee-shirt ideas, but I’m always open to feedback and am excited to work with the committee and you guys on perfecting my designs.)

I plan to make the DoCSoc Instagram more active with engaging posts and stories! Expect lots of reels too, I’ll make DoCSoc the most on-trend society at Imperial :)

Being MPO of DoCSoc will be the biggest role I’ve taken on thus far, but don’t worry, I do have relevant experience! I was on the executive committee of my old school’s multimedia society, so I’m familiar with video editing programmes like After Effects and Premier Pro. I was also president of the Photography Society and helped design school merchandise, including tote bags, for various events using Photoshop and Canva.

With your vote, I’ll make the coolest DoC merch and media out there! Thanks for reading my manifesto, and all the best to all the other candidates running for positions :3

PS: the binary on my designs uses regular ASCII (7-bit), not extended ASCII ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜