Photo of Alex Li

Alex Li

Design Engineering: Talks Manager

Hi, I'm Alex, a 3rd-year DesEng student. I've greatly enjoyed my time on the DesSoc committee and participating in the society's events and opportunities.

I’ll bring experience from both DesSoc (Social Events Manager) and other societies (treasurer and publicity officer for A Cappella), giving me a strong understanding of union procedures. I'm a team player deeply invested in Imperial's extra-curricular community.

However, as Talks Manager, I want to achieve great things with DesSoc next year:

  1. DesSoc Design Show: A full-day event in a modern London venue, showcasing student and faculty work, featuring a booklet, posters, and alumni/lecturer talks. This will connect us with industry, family, and schools, raising the profile of Design Engineering.
  2. The Skills Directory: Let's connect our student body! I will create an accessible student skills directory, highlighting achievements, placements, and skills. This will allow students to easily find help from experienced peers, like Freddie Nicholson for Swift, fostering a more collaborative environment.
  3. Invite in relevant industry professionals, both current relations and new ones, to build on our knowledge and provide networking opportunities.

DesSoc will continue to host our popular social events. My plan will enhance our student body's profile and expand both DesSoc's and your personal networks. If you support this vision, please vote for me!