Photo of Akshita Sapra

Akshita Sapra

Hindu Society: Publicity Officer

Hi, I’m Akshita, a first year medical student and I am super thrilled to be running for Publicity Officer! This year, I have really enjoyed all HinduSoc events, and I have created some amazing memories, met many new people and stayed in touch with my culture while being at university. With social media playing such an important role in how events are advertised, I would love to promote the society and our traditions further by amplifying our presence on Instagram and TikTok.

Previously, I have worked in a social media role with a medical admissions company. Through this experience, I have developed proficiency with online tools and the ability to come up with fresh and innovative ideas. With this skillset, I hope to create promotional posts for HinduSoc events, as well as educational posts describing the rich traditions within Hinduism.

In addition to Instagram posts, I would love to include more short videos (Instagram reels and TikTok posts) for both promotion and education. By involving members of the committee in videos describing the religious background to festivals, or promoting the details of an upcoming event, we can help members of HinduSoc get to know the committee better and engage with the content to a deeper level.

During my time as Publicity Officer, I hope to increase participation at events, spread awareness of our religion and foster a deep sense of community, and I can’t wait to contribute to the amazing HinduSoc committee!