Photo of Yash Shah

Yash Shah

Jain: Vice Chair

Hey everyone, I’m Yash, a 2nd-year Computing student.

I've really enjoyed being the Chair of Jain Soc this year, growing the society from being dormant to 70+ members this year! The best part has been meeting so many like-minded friends, from our incredible committee to all the members.

I always look forward to each Jain Soc event (sometimes even more than my degree!), and I'd love to continue being involved as Vice Chair next year!

This year, I’ve loved to help organise events like the Sixes Indoor Cricket Night, dinner socials with an inspiring poet guest speaker, seva nights and the bespoke V&A museum tour. Collaborating with other societies has been a highlight, and I'm excited to keep organising more events.

One of our main focuses this year was raising funds for Jain Soc, and it’s been great to see our account grow, giving us the resources to plan even bigger events next year. Maybe we can explore give back to our local community through more seva events!

I’m really looking forward to supporting the Chair and the committee, and I can't wait to see Jain Soc continue to thrive. Thanks for your support :)