Alice Pooley
Hi everyone :) I’m Alice, a 3rd year medic and I’m applying to be on Gen Com for ICSM RAG this year!
I’ve always enjoyed volunteering, my roles have included:
- 1 year + befriending lonely elderly people in my community
- 1 year teddy bear hospital
- 1 year playteam
From these roles, I learnt the importance of using my time to assist others who may benefit from extra support or company.
Other roles that will support me in a RAG role:
- 3 years + working part-time for a charity for children with disabilities
- 1 year team captain for ICSM Netball
As someone who has enjoyed RAG events through all 3 years of uni, I can appreciate the hard work that is going on behind the scenes. I would be confident that I would be contributing if I were to join this team and continue the dedication of RAG to raising money for amazing causes.
As a captain, I have planned events and organised large groups of people via WhatsApp communication and my organisational skills have allowed me to always meet deadlines and stay on top of the multiple events/games/trainings every single week.
My new role in Halfway Dinner Publicity will give me additional transferable skills for this role, as I will continue to commit my time to planning memorable events for ICSM, as I love being part of the community that is ICSM.
Vote for Alice x