Anouksha Pattar
I’m Anou, currently in second year of med, and I would love to be a part of the general committee for ICSM RAG this coming year.
For the last two years I’ve thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the incredible events that RAG hosts. This year I am excited to hopefully be involved in organising them, including formals, sports nights and fundraisers. As well as the classic events such as circle line, it would be great to hear student’s opinions on what other events they would like to see.
From my role as secretary for Argentine Tango, I believe I am able to smoothly transfer and apply the skills that I learnt over the year, to this position, including liaising with other members of the committee.
I’m really looking forward to organising events and continuing to raise money and make a difference to the community!
Please vote for me for general committee!