Photo of Aayush Darak

Aayush Darak

Medical Education: Early Years Coordinator

Hi everyone, I am Aayush and I am running to be your Early Years Coordinator for MedEd!

MedEd has been a lifesaver since the start of my time at Imperial, and having nearly completed the pre-clinical years, I understand the impact that this society has on supporting medical students across all years. This year, I have been involved with MedEd as the Phase 1a CSI Crash Course Lead so I believe I have the required skillset to take up this responsibility and become a useful asset to the team.

If elected, I hope to address the following:

  • Provide more exam style questions for POM, BRS and LMAP, especially more SAQ style questions
  • Include more revision resources for the LMAP exam in phase 1b
  • Encourage more in-person revision sessions, such as for Anatomy or CPA

I hope you vote for me and look forward to becoming your Early Years Coordinator :)