Photo of Abigail Tan

Abigail Tan

Medical Education: Early Years Coordinator

Hi everyone! My name is Abigail Tan and I am running to be early years coordinator for MedEd!

MedEd has greatly helped me in first and second year, especially with the CSI review sessions. I am also immensely grateful for the note bank which provides great notes and some mock exam material. These have helped me tremendously in my studies, and I would like to give back and help my juniors similarly by making sure these resources are continued and improve them.

While continuing with the CSI tutorials, I also aim to organise mocks for more topics including POM, BRS and LMAP, besides the Anatomy series and CPA. This is especially when the style of questions can be unfamiliar to many, and practice makes perfect.

Having been Vice President for iPRAS and HaemSoc and Head of Media for Cardiovascular Society this year, I am familiar with the workings behind running a society and have gained invaluable leadership skills. Having coordinated, prepared and troubleshooted for more than 7 conferences, I have learnt a lot in terms of coordination skills. Hence, I would be glad to transfer these skills as early years coordinator of MedEd. Please vote for me, Abigail Tan!