Photo of Aldi Gabor

Aldi Gabor

Investment: Head of Buy-Side Corporate Relations (Duplicate)

Dear Investment Society,

It goes without saying that in the fiercly contested field of high finance, the right networking and outreach can go a long way.

In short, as Head of Buyside Corporate Relations, I vow to:

  • Maintain and build on the Society's illustrious presence on the Buy-side.
    • I seek to strenghthen existing relationships with firms and will actively seek new connections to build up our presence.

  • Contribute to the organisation of more networking and guest speaker events.
    • Networking events are the cornerstrone of breaking into high finance. Alongside fellow committee, I will ensure to create as many opportunities for the members of our Society.

  • Develop a sustainable strategy going ahead
    • Long-term corporate relationships are the backbone of sustainable success. Investing in such relationships now will no doubt take the Society even further, bridging the gap between our members and the Buy-side.

I believe that I am the right person to entrust with the role, given my extensive experience in such duties, and I would greatly appreciate your support by voting for me.