Hi, I am one of the many Ben's that are part of ICHC. This role is a super important one and one that I would be honoured to do. In terms of what I would do if elected there are three key areas: Movember - which was great this year and I would look to build on (potentially even more brownies), Representation - we are a diverse club and we should do better representing that (I am looking at pride month and other thing ...
Hey it's Yoon-Jee here, an L1 fresher who loooves a good night out Thanks to the wonderful club members this year, I really feel like I've integrated into the club and had so much fun in the process...and that's a tradition I'd like to take forward for next year's freshers too. Always feeling welcome when joining somewhere new is something I care about a lot, and you can count on me for a smile or hug anytime. Gir ...
I am father boner (Ethan), a hockey fresher and future captain of the M4s. I am running for welfare officer as l believe that welfare is very important for a society to function well. From big events like Movember - which mean a lot to me - to people just wanting to have a chat about any issues they may have. I've had to console people for a multitude of reasons in the past so would like to think I would be a good ca ...