DoCSoc: Senior Events Officer


Jeffrey Cheung

Hello, my name is Jeffrey, and I am enthusiastic about applying for the position of Senior Events Officer within DocSoc. Currently in my second year of undergraduate studies in Computing, I am a committee for another ICU CSP, which has provided me with insights into the internal operations of a society. Recognizing DocSoc's stature as one of Imperial's largest CSPs, I am keen on organising more activities. My decisi ...

Soumil Sahjpall

Hey! I'm Soumil, and I'd love to be your Senior Events Officer for the next year. I'm sure that all the other candidates have great talking points too - so let's talk about what sets me apart: I've attended a LOT of events: international conferences, VIP experiences, hacker houses and more. This means I've seen the best (and worst) that events have had to offer - food ideas, cool locations, admin processes, quirk ...