Fayowa Adesomoju
Hey I’m Fayowa and I'd love to be one of your sponsorship officers this year to ensure things continue running smoothly!
Having joined ACS this year, I have been able to meet many incredible people and attend different events, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. I remember before starting Imperial, I was raving about joining ACS to everyone I knew where they most definitely became tired of hearing the word ACS coming out of my mouth. Now being a member and being presented with an opportunity to perhaps represent our community, I'm thrilled!
In the past, I was part of a team of 3, who organized and ordered the leavers hoodies for our year group. In this, we were responsible for finding the right company with ideal prices and quality, creating a quiz for designing the hoodie and keeping on top of the emails with the company to ensure everything was sorted in good time. Even though there were some setbacks, we were able to create solutions and adapt to the situation at hand.
Our society thrives from the external sponsorships with a variety of companies, which has been done seamlessly behind the scenes. It is important for us to continue to sustain our current sponsors by branding and representing our society and also branching out to find more companies that will allow us to grow as a community.
I would love to be one of the people who continue to maintain and create strong relationships with our sponsors. Thank you!