May Lee
Hi, I’m May and I’m running for sponsorship officer!
Having gone to the lecture series at iPRAS last year as well as the RTS conference this year, I enjoyed learning about the variety involved in plastics as well as the innovative and creative aspects of this unique specialty.
I believe that the sponsorship officer is vital for the financial viability of the amazing events that iPRAS organises and to ensure that delegates can attend events at an affordable price.
I hope to as sponsorship officer:
-Maintain current sponsors eg. MDU, Meril, BAPRAS, PLASTAUK, VRIMS and Medical Protection
-Expand sponsor networks by sending out emails and showcasing the benefits of funding our events.
-Work closely with the publicity officer and treasurer to promote sponsor products and ensure adequate funding for the running of events.
-Arrange funding well in advance of events
Skills I have relevant to role:
- I've written many emails to researchers and clinicians for research and work experience. I'm able write in a professional and concise manner.
-Organisation is something that I'm accustomed to through tutoring in Year 1 where I’ve had to plan lessons in advance and manage my time alongside studying.
-Worked in the NHS as part of an MDT as a healthcare assistant and volunteered as a caseworker in Doctors of the World where I’ve had to liaise with GPs and charities. I believe I have the adequate communication and teamwork skills to work efficiently with other committee members and negotiate good deals with our sponsors.