Photo of Khushi Dakshini

Khushi Dakshini

MedTech: Events Lead (National Conference)

Hi! I’m Khushi, and am running for the MedTech Events Lead role. I believe I'm the right fit for this role due to my passion for MedTech, strong professional network & for promoting academic collaboration.


  • My experience as National Conference Lead for ICSM SORA this year has equipped me well with the necessary skills to plan and execute a successful conference. I understand all the responsibilities ranging from early planning, contacting speakers and submitting event proposals and room bookings.
  • As Regional Lead for a National Neurology Organisation and as University Representative of The BIMO, I've developed a strong professional network. I'm actively involved in promoting & engaging with their opportunities and events.
    • This network, in addition to those established during research projects in various disciplines, will be invaluable in securing esteemed speakers, workshop demonstrators and equipment suppliers for the conference. I'm committed to delivering a high-quality and engaging experience for all attendees.

New ideas/Improvements:

  • Leverage my established professional network to secure speakers from various fields within MedTech
  • Professional experience panel - Q&A on how to secure valuable research opportunities
  • Patient experience panel - useful for publishing case presentations
  • Networking opportunities through small breakout discussions
  • Mentorship Programme to accommodate preferences of various student interests, providing research opportunities, projects, publications and insight into academic research

I hope to secure your vote and organise the National Conference for you all :)