Bryce Yang
Hi, I’m Bryce Yang, aka Bulaisien on Discord. As a first year computing student (who has lots of free time) and Discord lurker from day 1 of getting accepted to IC, I knew from the start that I want to contribute to this society as much as I can. The animes that I enjoy most are those with delicate depictions of emotions and relationships, such as Hibike Euphonium and Byousoku 5cm. Here are some qualities of mine that I believe can be put to good use in the role of Inventory Officer:
Vault Keeper🔒
The forbidden secrets hidden deep within the ICAS library are safe with me… Jokes aside, I will be responsible in keeping our society’s possessions safe and organized. But I also won’t be strict if you want access - unless you can’t prove your worth by naming 3 characters out of a random selection of 5… (I’m joking, probably)
Spreadsheet Wizard🧙
Thanks to my puzzle-hunting addiction (ask me, or i guess look it up yourself), I Excel at tracking information. Inventory? Sorted. Merch lists? Like a breeze. I might even be able to help keep the screening schedules in order (I have seen it run into problems occasionally).
Backstage Secret Service🎸
With years of experience prepping stages for various performances, either as committee of my high school wind ensemble or tech crew member for a musical production, I’ll treat Melon Band's equipment with so much care that they will work as flawlessly as stage machinery in Revue Starlight.