Andrew Wong
Hi everyone! My name is Andrew and I'm a 3rd year physicist. This year, I joined ICSO for the first time as part of the 2nd violin section and I really enjoyed having the opportunity to be able to make music with everyone! (Fun fact, the first time I watched a professional orchestra was at Cadogan Hall about decade ago on a school trip and now, I've had the opportunity to perform on the very same stage too! Funny how things come full circle xD)
Why should you vote for me as Tour Secretary? Last summer, I was fortunate enough to be able to go on the join Sinfo x ICSO x Choir tour to Spain (My first ever orchestra tour!). It was an amazing experience and since tours are scheduled to occur biennially, that means next year there will be another! After seeing the amazing job that Ben Andrews, the previous tour secretary, accomplished, the bar is high but I believe that I will be able to rise to the challenge. Should I be elected, my aim would be to ensure the tour runs as smoothly as possible and recreate that same experience for everyone!
(Here's a photo of me posing infront of Burgos Cathedral. The final concert venue of the Spain tour last year :D)