Nethra Subramanian
Hi, my name is Nethra (3rd year medic) - I would love to run for social officer for Global Health Society! Global Health is unique and fascinating in that it encourages people to consider health and health equity on a global scale. I am super interested in learning more about this and contributing to this society at Imperial.
I was part of subcommittee for the social officer last year, and greatly enjoyed helping organise social events like the pub quiz. I would love to organise social events for Global Health Society and plan fun events that bring the committee together and increase awarenrsss of this society. I have prior experience in organising events when I was on committee as conference lead for Personalised medicine society. I greatly enjoyed contacting and liasing with speakers, and then planning and overseeing the logistics of the conference. I also have experience helping plan social events for TSOC and doctorpreneurs society.
As social officer I would love to host Engaging & Interactive Social Events to increase engagement and awareness of the society. I would also like to start running Global Health Networking Nights. This would bring together students, researchers, and professionals to connect and discuss career paths in global health.
I believe I can bring a lot to this amazing society, with my passion for the subject and my experience in running similar events for other societies.
I'd appreciate your vote as Social Officer!