Amy Lloyd Evans
As a co-founder of the Neurodiversity Society I would love to be able to continue my role as education officer. I believe the more you can know about a challenge the better you can find ways around it and so I feel passionately about helping support neurodivergent people to understand themselves as well as raising wider awareness.
Since we founded the society I have arranged several events, including a Makaton taster session with the medical school’s Paediatrics Society and arranged the first visit to a SEN school specialising in autism with the Teddy Bear Hospital Society (which the society intends to continue into the future). Along with the rest of the committee I also was involved in designing a new station for Teddy Bear hospital visits aimed at introducing children to neurodiversity.
I have also arranged a talk by an educational neuroscientist discuss neurodivergent study skills, and hope to arrange more talks of these kind before the end of the year (and, if I am elected, next year).
As a committee, we will also be collaborating with the student union and disabilities network to arrange a campaign for neurodiversity celebration week in march.
If I am elected, I would like to continue to arrange talks educating students on issues surrounding neurodiversity, as well as engaging with other societies to improve awareness and acceptance of the neurodiversity we have at Imperial.
I have really enjoyed my role within the society this last year and hope you vote for me 😊