Photo of Caitlyn Kok

Caitlyn Kok

Immunology: BMB Academic Officer

Hi everyone! I am Caitlyn, a second year Medical Biosciences (BMB) student. I am excited to stand for the position of BMB Academic Officer.

The Immunology and Inflammation (IMI) elective in BMB Year 2 is known for being extremely challenging and content-heavy, deterring students from choosing it. As an IMI student myself, the Immunosoc BMB tutorial series has been a huge help in deepening my understanding of the concepts taught in IMI and developing my love for the subject.

If elected as the BMB Academic Officer, I aim to achieve the following key objectives:

1. Enhancing academic support and peer learning for BMB students

I hope to continue the BMB tutorial series, inviting top BMB graduates and undergraduates to deliver relevant content and provide tips on how to succeed in IMI. I will also organise sessions specially for consolidation and Q&A, tailoring the tutorials to cover the needs of BMB students.

2. Organising engaging and useful information sessions

To complement the usual tutorial series, I aim to organise guest lectures and career talks featuring researchers and industry professionals. Such sessions will provide valuable insights into the latest research surrounding immunology and hopefully inspire more BMB students to pursue a career in this field.

With my keen interest in immunology and my experience in the Immunosoc BMB Subcommittee, I am confident that I can make a meaningful contribution as the BMB Academic Officer.

Thank you for your support!