Anthony Sim
Hi everyone!
My name is Anthony and I'm a 3rd year medic with a passion for pathology.
All disease results from cellular abnormalities and pathology provides the tools to understanding these disease mechanisms essential for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. To be competent clincians, we should get stuck in with pathology!
I'm applying for the general executive position for pathology society since I'm passionate about getting more eyes on pathology with exciting events such as:
- interactive workshops with experts exploring the significance and breadth of pathology
- sessions to introduce, solidify and refine technical lab skills
- small- group Q&A dissection sessions in the pathology museum
With my experience in Gastro&Hep helping with networking and publicity, I will help organise social media campaigns, exciting events like the ones above and recruit leaders in pathology to deliver insightful talks.
Last year I presented my research on the importance of surgical histopathological examinations to confirm diagnosis and determine success of procedure which got me in contact with the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. I hope to organise potential collaborations with them to help students pursue research in pathology and present at conferences with full-fledged pathologists!
Let's inspire our peers to get stuck in with pathology and acknowledge its vital role in clincial practice!
Thank you for reading and your vote would be very much appreciated : )