Photo of Nayoon Lee

Nayoon Lee

Physics: Merch & Design Officer

Hey! I’m Nayoon, a first year physics undergraduate. I love our department, and believe that good merch can do more than just make us collectively look great - it will strengthen our sense of belonging in this coolest department. I spend a lot of time drawing and creating digital art, and as a dedicated music fan, I’ve seen my fair share of both amazing and terrible merch designs - so I know what works and what doesn’t.

I want to create a merch that is:

  • Representative - captures our identity, pride and collective quirks as physicists :)
  • Appealing - if it’s a T-shirt, you’ll actually want to wear it.
  • Cost efficient - high quality designs, reasonably priced (or at the very least, worth the money)

What I’ll do:

  • Democracy in design - voting polls for every new merch drop
  • Listen to you - will be open to feedback and suggestions
  • Create OUR merch - surveys to ensure our designs truly reflect who we are as PhySoc

Why vote for me?

Because us physicists deserve cool merch and a glow up. Vote for me and let's bring style to Blackett :)