Jamie Secker
Haematology Society: Publicity Officer
Hi I’m Jamie, a third year medical student and I’m super excited to put myself forward to be your publicity officer!
I’ve had a big interest in haematology ever since POM, so much so it is my first choice BSc - I hope to be one of the very few people undertaking the BSc next year! I’ve always enjoyed working through haematological conditions and often find myself teaching them to my friends - I love the complexity and variability across blood disorders and would love to be a part of a society that feels the same way.
What I would like to do in my role:
- Reach out to freshers and continuing students on social media to advertise the society
- Ensure that all lectures for early years are advertised effectively in order to reach as many people as possible - my love for haematology was heavily impacted by lectures such as these and I would love to ensure others get this opportunity
- Maintain the social media pages of HaemSoc make sure they have all relevant information including dates, events and key information
- Work alongside other committee members to support in the promotion of planned events
I would love to be publicity officer so I can expand the connections of the society and share this exciting specialty with more people!