Kamya Mandhar
Hi everyone! I’m Kamya, a 4th-year medic and I would love to continue serving as the Blood and Organ Transplant Donation Campaign Chair. This year, I’ve had the privilege of building a rapport with the charity Live Life Give Life and I would love to expand on this. This includes exciting opportunities for future workshops, stalls at future conferences, research collaborations and fundraising events. Fostering these partnerships with charities will help us raise awareness about blood and organ donation within the medical student community where this topic is often underrepresented.
I have a range of event ideas such as during Freshers’ Week, introducing students to sign up as donors or even discover their blood type. Also, organising talks featuring stories from both donors and transplant recipients to emphasise the real life impact of organ donation. Additionally, I hope to create a community outreach programme in collaboration with Orgamites where volunteers can teach primary school children about the different organs and the importance of organ donation and transplantation using their fun and engaging educational resources.
Throughout my various roles from Paediatrics Committee, Paeds conference and TeddyBear Hospital subcommittee I’ve developed strong organisational and communication skills. My volunteering roles have sharpened my teamworking skills and by being part of Transplant and Vascular society has helped me understand its ethos and long term goals. Overall, these experiences will allow me to effectively organise and lead initiatives that will raise awareness, increase collaboration with charities and build lasting relationships.
Thankyou for reading my manifesto!