Materials (UG): Departmental Wellbeing Representative


Carlos Barbero Rodriguez

Hi everyone! My name is Carlos, I am currently in year 3, and I am running for departmental wellbeing rep. Good departmental wellbeing doesn’t mean that everyone is completely relaxed and with zero stress all the time, that would be unrealistic. Good wellbeing means that, even when we are stressed under mountains of work, we have a supportive and friendly environment around us. This is achieved by having a tig ...

Calysta Tesiman

Hello everyone!!! To the first, third, and fourth year students: I'm Calysta, 2nd Year MatSci student running to be your department wellbeing rep for the next academic year :0 To my second-year friends: If you still don't know who I am, I'm the girl who runs out to the toilet mid lecture (and of course your former wellbeing rep ) Okay okay... So why choose me?? I'll try summarise it in this short little poem: I ...